Array list and it's uses in java

detailed explanation about array list in java


2 min read


In Java, ArrayList is a dynamic data structure that can store a collection of objects. Consider, ArrayList as a choco box. you have a choco box where you can keep all your chocos. you can put different chocolate in the choco box and take them out whenever you want and eat. ArrayList is like a choco box for storing a bunch of objects. one cool thing about ArrayList, the box can automatically expand its size.

The Problem with Arrays :

Working with arrays can be quite complicated, especially when it comes to resizing them. Arrays are fixed in size, (i.e.) once you create an array with a specific length, you cannot change its size without creating a new array. Here, I gave an example

Use ArrayList:

Use ArrayList to make the task easier and it automatically handles resizing when elements are added or removed.


this example explains how to create and use an array list. ArrayList can hold objects of any type. When creating an ArrayList, you specify the type of objects it will contain. For Example, if you want to create a String list you can use ArrayList<String>.

Add Element

To add the elements in the array list we use add() method. Add(object) is a method used to add an element at the end of the array list. Add(index, object) is a method used to add an element at the specific index of the ArrayList.

Remove Element

To remove the elements in the array list we use the remove() method. remove(object) is a method used to remove objects from ArrayList. This method remove(index) is used to remove an element at the specific index of the ArrayList.

Update Element

To update the elements in the array list we use the set() method. set(index, element) this method takes an index and the updated element which needs to be inserted at that index.


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